The Sacraments

The Church of the East makes use of the term  Raza to denote 'sacrament' or 'mystery.'

A raza  or sacrament, is essentially a mystery through which God acts to depart to us His grace, but we don't know how this happens. However, we do feel the effects of the operation (i.e. working) of the Holy Spirit in us through these signs of God's love and mercy. In essence, the sacraments are "outward signs of God's inner grace." We may further define the sacraments as being material means through which God communicates to us His divine grace, of which we are in need in our lives on a daily basis, for our edification, sanctification and utter salvation, and a share in everlasting life. 

The Seven Sacraments of the Assyrian Church of the East include:

1. Priesthood
2. Baptism
3. The Oil of Chrismation (Unction)
4. The Holy Qurbana (Eucharist)
5. Absolution (Khusaya)
6. The Holy Leaven (Malka)
7. The Holy Cross

(Source: Mysteries of the Kingdom, The Sacraments of the Assyrian Church of the East; Bishop Mar Awa Royel, 2011)