Sunday 15 January 2012

“Why God? Why?”

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6
Have you ever noticed in life how God sometimes re-directs our path when we seem to think we are walking in the right direction?  Just as Saint Paul was impacted by God’s saving grace on the road to Damascus, where he was ironically blinded by God in order to see the true path that He wanted him to take… Could God be re-directing you?

God’s mighty hand is seen more clearly in hindsight when we look back at a time before a trial enters our life and realise it may have come when we were searching for God, or trying to draw nearer to Him. Maybe you had been praying for God’s will to be done in your life, or asking for His perfect guidance, or even asking Him to make you a better, more pleasing person in His sight?

During a trial, you may find yourself feeling helpless, anxious, or out of your depth and comfort because you’re experiencing any kind of pain, suffering or fear. We may start to have feelings of resentment or doubt towards God creeping up on us.  And the first question we may ask God when we turn to Him in prayer is, “Why God? Why?” or “What did I ever do to deserve this?” These are normal and valid questions to ask God. And the simple answer is that we are living in a sinful, fallen, and dying world that is trying to push God out of the picture…and pain is inevitable.

Depression, fear and anxiety are very real occurrences among Christian women. Although some people might draw a rosy picture and have us believe that because we are followers of Christ, we are “SUPERWOMEN”… This black and white view is actually a very unrealistic way of looking at ourselves, and indeed the Christian faith.

Today, we see women suffering from Post Natal Depression, fear, anxiety, feelings of prolonged sadness and even depression due to sickness, disease, losing a loved one and unfortunately there are too many to mention.

When we turn through the pages of the Bible, we can also relate to the long suffering and pain endured by faithful women and men. Such as the barren Sarah and Hannah, Job who lost all of his family, possessions and health, Mary and Martha whose brother died, Saint Mary who witnessed her Son’s torturous death before her eyes, Saint Paul who suffered for the spreading of the gospel, and ultimately Jesus Christ our Lord – who endured the most painful suffering like no other… Being God incarnate, perfect man, without sin, who lived with the burden of His overshadowing and inevitable death for mankind, until the day He experienced that cruel and shameful kind of death on the cross, for our sake.

We look to these historical figures in the Bible with the gift of hindsight, and learn how God intervened in their lives at the just right time, to deliver them from all of their suffering. So much so, that we recognise and take courage from these people over 2000 years later, as we place our trust and hope in the same God who bestows His awesome love and grace upon the people who persevere in their faith when faced with different kinds of trials and suffering. James1:2-4

Are you suffering from pain, fear, anxiety or even depression because God hasn’t answered your prayers? Don’t be. God has heard your prayers of faith, and He sent His one and only Son to take the punishment for your sins, so that you can live in the freedom of His grace and love, not in fear. 1 John 4:16-18 Believe in Christ’s redeeming death for you on the cross, and wait for the right time for God to deliver you in His perfect way, and according to His perfect will… Be it in this world, or in the promised Kingdom of Heaven to come. Matthew 11:28-29

Refer to Church Fathers page to read an excerpt by Mar Isaac regarding trials and temptations.

NB. If you are suffering depression of any kind, please do not keep silent. Share your feelings with an understanding Christian that you trust and feel comfortable confiding in. (Preferably another woman). God has also gifted counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists to help His daughters who are struggling (Christian counsellors are also an option).

For more help and information on depression / anxiety visit:

Or Visit the Christian Counsellors Association of Australia to search for a Christian therapist in your area:

Call the Lifeline Crisis support Centre on 13 11 14 to chat to someone on the phone about your crisis

This weeks song: Before the Morning - Josh Wilson

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